"Oh Mer Gerd! You NEED this!"
Huggy on 3/18/2018 10:56:08 AM
Product Review: Back in the Dark Ages, before owning my MAGLULA, I almost hated to take out my M14/M1A to shoot because filling the magazines was simply a PITA to do. NO, it wasn't hard to accomplish per se but it was just time consuming and I HATED it! Then along comes the MAGLULA magazine loader and all of a sudden the Sun comes out from behind the clouds, the gusting winds calm, the birds start chirping, my Sweetheart sends me Boudoir photos and all of my rounds blow out the X on the target at 600 meters and I take home ALL the Gold from the weekend match! What more could you ask for, eh?!? I keed, I, Keed, of course but short of having somebody to volunteer to fill or top off your magazines any time you need them to, THIS is the gadget you want in your kit to take loose rounds and stuff them into your M14 or M1A magazines, Yessiree! And they seem to be built like a tank...they seem to last FOREVER! Or until that cheap ss shooting buddy (?) decides HE needs it more than you do. Anyway, and all kidding aside, buy one of these for your kit if you shoot an M14 or M1A. You'll be glad that you did. And buy one for that chintzy shooting buddy, too, so he doesn't steal yours. You'll be glad you did. Trust me.